
Packet Landing Open Space Trust

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Welcome to Packet Landing's Web page.  Packet Landing owners and residents can use this site to get access to documents, newsletters, and other general information.  The site can also be used to leave messages for other community members. 


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Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Retirement savings: What is a 401(k) plan?
401ksm How does a 401(k) work? What are the benefits of having a 401(k) plan? Learn more about the 401(k) to see if it should be a part of your retirement plan. Of all the various retirement investment options...
How to recruit good HOA board members
Boardmeeting Five tips to ensure your board never runs out of good members. Whether homeowners in your association are actively involved in your community or rarely show up for a meeting, it can be hard to find new board...
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Pembroke, Massachusetts 02359